"New Fair Princess" show Qing court clothing is very stylish

On July 16, "New Fair Princess" autographed by Qiong Yao will be premiered at Hunan Satellite TV. "My Fair Princess" has set a number of ratings records more than a dozen years ago. Therefore, "New Returning Pearl" , Every sign of trouble caused widespread public concern. The broke out of the clothing styling according to the gorgeous costumes integrated Qing drama. A variety of colorful colors and styles, to the Qing court costumes provide more information.

All colors are light clothing, use a small flower to do decoration. There are Xie Jin lapel also.


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This is the "New My Fair Princess" Geely Gege trembling, for the first time with the Swallow positive move. However, this is the Han clothing style. Big red bride's style. Red-based, large sleeves with golden Phoenix embroidery.


This is a garment apparel suits visited. This is the main purple clothing. Crape myrtle is a white background with purple print and purple trim.


The two actresses are pink line of clothing. Crape myrtle pink more elegant, the use of wave pattern printing. Swallow pink even more intense, the use of traditional flowers and patterns.


This is the "new My Fair Princess" in the crape myrtle, a mature purple clothing, color and name of the people want to move closer. Vests using a multi-cut. Printing is a gradual, very fusion with the current fashion.


Sheen Tang Man plays the queen, the golden color to join the purple piping full of wealth and courage. The Queen Mother played by Liu Xuehua is a black, kind-hearted. Dark green and dark red printing and black geometric lines of the division, the whole garment color in place, very decent.


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