Breaking through the myth of "customer satisfaction"

The definition of customer satisfaction in the American Marketing Association manual is: Satisfaction = Expectation - Results. That is, how the final performance of the products/services provided by the company matches the customer's expectations and requirements, and thus the degree of satisfaction generated. But at the same time, the pragmatic view sharply and ruthlessly pointed out that customer satisfaction is worthless, and customer loyalty is the goal that enterprises should really pursue. But unfortunately, the customer satisfaction that is currently believed and defined (this article from the Bo Rui Deng Zhenghong column) plays a very small role in the subsequent loyalty behavior. In fact, most of the companies' customer satisfaction measures are now only satisfied with the customer's need for products/services. The marketing idea is based on the temporary needs of customers, rather than leading customers creatively. To break through this so-called "customer satisfaction" myth, the key thing to remember is that the market is always guided and nurtured, and customers are always bounded and rational. The purpose of marketing is to turn the products customers need into products that customers want.

First, let customers accept the ideas of the company

There is a business saying: the company meets the demand and the great company creates the market. The so-called satisfaction of demand is that the company accepts the customer's thinking and designs products and services according to the customer's intention. The so-called creation of the market means that the customer accepts the enterprise's ideas and actively accepts the products and services designed by the enterprise according to a certain consumption atmosphere and habits. . For example, the refrigerators produced by Haier Group are based on the market demand of different (this article from the Bo Rui Deng Zhenghong column) to produce personalized products, thus winning a larger market. They produced a slim, small-sized, beautifully-looking refrigerator for the Shanghai family; developed a refrigerator with a fresh-keeping room for fruits for customers in Guangxi... and created a piece of content that constantly discovers and satisfies individual needs. Another new "cake" that can be enjoyed by itself, to meet the potential needs of consumers, has won the favor of customers.

Enterprises should win in the market competition, do not be confused by the so-called "hot spots" in the market, but should be good at listening to customers' voices, discover potential market opportunities from popular phenomena, and expand survival and development at a higher level. space. The famous American economist Thomas Peters once pointed out: "If business operators want to win in the competition, they should not think about sharing the market, but they should practice a pair of 'market eyes' and go to (this article from the Bo Rui Deng Zhenghong column) How to discover the market and create the market." In the enterprise marketing, we must also use the dialectical and developmental perspective to see the market, and actively transform the market and create the market. If you look at the market in a solid, rigid way, and passively adapt to the market, even if the market is under the nose, you will turn a blind eye, but instead have no market.

The "tea ceremony" has a long history in Japan, and the Japanese tea drinking habits are difficult to change. However, Nestlé Switzerland has deliberately changed the traditional "tea culture" of the Japanese, creating a large number of coffee drinkers. They have skillfully implemented different marketings for different markets in the three different age groups (this article comes from the Bo Rui Deng Zhenghong column) strategy: “stimulate” the more open young people, making them enthusiastic pursuits; It is acceptable for the middle-aged people who have social status to become "acceptable"; "to fight for" the elderly who are deeply rooted in traditional cultural concepts, so that they will not oppose it. As a result, Nesté coffee has entered the Japanese market in just two or three years, and now its sales have reached tens of millions of dollars.

Some people have proposed a "fish tank theory": the business environment faced by enterprises is like a fish tank, and customers are like fish. If a business operator wants to manage a business well, he must first jump into the "fish tank" and swim with "fish". Know your customers' feelings and their requirements for products. Then, jump again (this article from the Bo Rui Deng Zhenghong column) out of the "fish tank", stand in a relatively higher and wider environment, carefully examine and analyze the customer's opinions, find out their more essential needs, and discover market opportunities, Win bigger markets, get bigger profits, and create more wealth.

In the future market, we need an eye that keenly captures information, and we must have an idea that can have a unique perspective to guide and create. Cultivating the market is not only guided by the government, the market is formed by law, and it is passed by people. Using the rules to guide and create, it is found that the market is just a more forward-looking performance than others. Being good at guiding and nurturing new markets is the economic growth point that turns this discovery into reality. And the end of the value chain.

The Jews believe that distribution should "see as many steps as possible", how far can you think of future development, and how far your success will be. "The feet can't be reached, the eyes must arrive; the eyes can't reach, the heart wants to arrive." Marketing also needs strategic vision to avoid "marketing myopia". Whether it is channel selection or terminal design and arrangement, strategic thinking is needed. The development stage of the enterprise and the development trend of the industry, leading the way, can guide and create market demand.

Second, the customer is willing to become a symbol of the buyer's market

From the 20th century to the 21st century, this is an era of great changes in ideas. In the enterprise-market-customer, whoever chooses whoever has the initiative to control the market. In the era of planned economy and the initial stage of market economy, the market's volatility curve is greater than supply. The product placement of enterprises is resource-intensive. The enterprise largely controls the initiative to choose customers. “The emperor’s daughter does not marry”, the customer asks There are many places in the enterprise, which is the marketing era dominated by the seller's market. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the market competition has become increasingly fierce, the content of goods has become more and more abundant, and the space for enterprises to choose customers has become smaller and smaller. In turn, the space for customers to choose enterprises has become more and more (this article is from Bo Rui Deng Zhenghong column), and the market competition is relatively large. The beneficiary of the end is the customer. The market's fluctuation curve is oversupply, because the customer chooses the enterprise. Because some enterprises can't adapt to the market demand, the products produced are hardly favored by the customers, and the goods are not sold out. Inventory backlog, and thus there are many excess phenomena such as excess commodity, over-capacity, and over-service. It is precisely because the enterprise loses the initiative to choose customers or the space for selecting customers is getting smaller and smaller. The life and death of the company is largely in the customer's Attitude, so customers are willing to become a symbol of the buyer's market.

From the seller's market to the buyer's market, it reflects the change of the main body that controls the market. From the decision of the market to the decision of the market by the customers, this is a great progress in the concept of humanity to challenge the survival of the traditional market, and also a qualitative change in the concept of market competition. For enterprises to achieve sustainable development, the idea of ​​“satisfying customers” is far from meeting this change in the market. The current popular customer satisfaction strategy can only be regarded as the company’s maintenance of temporary profit survival, in fact, corporate pleading Customer support, and the "seeking" marketing concept can not last for a long time, the true sense of customer-oriented thinking should be to allow customers to choose the enterprise from the heart for a long time, that is, "let the customer be willing." From the psychological analysis, customer satisfaction reflects the satisfaction of products and services, satisfaction is the object of business management rather than enterprise; and customers are willing to reflect the high recognition and evaluation of corporate brand, reputation, image, willing to represent The attitude of the second choice of the customer is the core of the company's continued survival and virtuous circle. From customer satisfaction to customer willingness, it is the improvement of corporate marketing quality. Of course, customers are willing to be backed by customer satisfaction.

The rapid development of technology has made the customer's consumption concept change dramatically in the 21st century. As American marketing scientist Philip Kotler said: “The market is no longer what it used to be. They (customers) realize that real product differences are rare and show less brand loyalty. They From the Bo Rui Deng Zhenghong column), you can get a wide range of product information from the Internet and other resources that allows them to purchase more sensible things. In many cases, they can specify the characteristics of the products they want, they can even specify the willingness Pay the price and wait for the response of the more appropriate seller. The result is that the economic power is dramatically transferred from the seller to the buyer."

Third, exchange enthusiasm for customer loyalty

The customer's willingness to the company comes from the customer's loyalty to the company. As the market competition becomes increasingly fierce, customer personalization requirements are getting higher and higher, and customer loss is more frequent. A set of empirical data from abroad shows: 1. If the customer loyalty drops by 5%, the company's profit will drop by 25%; 2. The success rate of selling products to new customers is 15%, and the success rate of selling products to existing customers is 50%. %; 3. If the annual customer relationship retention rate is increased by 5 percentage points, the profit growth will reach 25%-85%; 4. The cost of selling to new customers (this article is from the Bo Rui Deng Zhenghong column) is to existing customers. More than 6 times of sales expenses; 5, 60% of new customers are recommended by existing customers; 6. A customer who is dissatisfied with the service will tell his other 8 to 10 customers about his dissatisfaction; 7. Develop a new customer The cost is 3-5 times that of maintaining old customers.

This shows that maintaining customer relationships, improving customer loyalty and preventing customer churn are important for reducing business operating costs, enhancing corporate competitiveness, and achieving greater benefits. Customer loyalty stems from the enthusiasm of the company, that is, the loyalty of the customer stems from the enthusiasm and sincerity

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