The reason women buy jewelry!

18 reasons why women buy jewelry

1. I like it - it is difficult to buy a sister with money;

2, my fashion - there is no jewelry on the body, which is a good idea to go out;

3, I have money - do not get a gold necklace, carat diamond, glass bracelet, how shabby;

4, I am happy - see the ring that my devils sent me;

5, I am beautiful - white skin with green emerald, beautiful;

6, I got it - girlfriends, look at my newly bought earrings;

7. My husband cares about me - do you love me or not?

8. Let my husband only love me - be a charming woman;

9. Make yourself more temperament - I am a woman born for jewelry;

10, can health and health - trace elements, electromagnetic effects, improve physical condition;

11, can bless the fortune - lucky, wealth, and wealthy have a ha;

12, can always keep safe - jade has a spirit, jewelry is intentional;

13, Zhao Taohua encounter - sister 25 has not married yet;

14, Huaguang husband's money - let him have no chance to find a small three;

15, give yourself a reward - another holiday, why not have a gift;

16, clothes have nothing to match - just bought clothes without jewelry å’‹;

17. The direction of investment - It is said that the appreciation of this gadget can be fast;

18, the little girl said beautiful - all said that I wear this the most beautiful.

Children's Apparel

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